Friday, April 17, 2009

Few Days....

Well its been a few days since I got home, and since our last post. I thought this would be a good opportunity to give an update (that... and my laptop just got a drink of apple juice and I think its dead, dead... and since mom still had her computer here, and is leaving tomorrow... thought it would be a good time to update.)

It has been just over a week since my surgery. It has been quite an eventful week. When I left the hospital, my dad asked me if i was ready to be on less pain medicine. I told him that I didn't care, I would figure it our because i was ready to be home with my family! Well, That response was tested. I got home and the first night I was on the pain meds they sent me home with and I wasn't sure  that I would make it through the night. I actually had thoughts of getting in the van and trying to drive myself back to the hospital in the middle of the night (stupid, I know.. that's why I didn't do that, but that's how bad I was feeling)

We talked with the doctors over the next few days and they threw every thing they could at the pain that was legal. It still doesn't seem to help much, but its better than nothing I'm sure!  the only other viable option is that they re-admit me to the hospital and put me back on Delaudid, but I'm trying my best to hang in here because I'd rather be in pain and at home with my family, then in la la land and in the hospital. 

I am unable to leave my ankle hanging down for more than about 15 minutes. That has been really testing, because every minute it is not elevated, the pain increases exponentially. Therefore, the greater majority of my time has been sitting on the couch with my ankle about my shoulder. Thankfully my time has been filled with hugging on my kids, and watching a lot of movies. That seems to be one of the only things that really helps keep my mind off of the pain.

My wife has been such an amazing trouper through this all! She is battling her own severe pain and yet has to give me two shots a day and pills every two hours, provide meals, and take care of three very active kids! She is amazing!!! My mom has been here this week as this is her spring break from teaching and has been a big blessing. She is leaving tonight, so we are going to need some help! Her biggest  and most painful moments are bathing the kids each night, and making it through dinner. 

If you have a few minutes and need something to do, come on by! We are always ready for company and someone to visit with! It really helps take my mind off the pain. If you have some movies that I might want to watch, bring them on over, and if you can stay to watch... that much better! We can't get out right now, so the only way we can hang out, is if you come to us! 

We are so grateful for your help and prayers!!! Please keep it up!!! 
Come on over!?!?

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