Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jonathan's Surgery Initial Post

Jonathan's surgery went well. All in all he was in for about five hours. His doctor fused his heel (basically cleaned out a bunch of garbage, old broken off bone pieces that were floating around and shaved the bone down until it was bleeding so that his body would think it was broken and so it would try to attach itself to his ankle. He then put two massive screws about the size around of a man's thumb through his heel and attached it to his ankle). In order for all of this to heal, he has to be on a constant factor 8 drip in the hospital and they would like to keep him there seven days to ensure he gets the factor he needs. His leg is in a splint that he will be changed about three or four times over the next two months. This is a non-weight bearing splint. According to his surgeon, should he walk on what has been done inside, he would break the screws and bones. They were able to do a nerve block to help with the pain from his knee down. This should get him through a couple of tough days. He seems to be in good spirits but in some pain that he will probably feel more through the weekend. Thank you all for praying so hard. We truly appreciate it. I'm sorry if this blog seems disjunct - it has been a truly exhausting day. Love you all!!!!!! He is at Tulane Hospital in New Orleans, room 7224W.

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